
Sometimes (I Wish)

Sometimes I wish I could sleep at night. I figure there has to be several people with the same problem. Over break, I can stay up til 5, 6...7 AM! Then I sleep until maybe 2 or 3 in the afternoon. It is sort of a great schedule because I am young and awesome. But then school starts and the awesomeness is shattered by responsibilities. Instead of mastering the night owl's routine, I have to fight to stay asleep. Nearly every hour I wake up, hoping it is 8 AM so I can get out of bed and give up on the fruitless attempt to be "normal". During the day I am a zombie, ready for someone to please, please, please aim well and shoot me in the head, just so I can finally get some damn sleep. My professors babble and yap about their subject, introductory bullshit that is not worth hearing, and I simply sit and allow my eyes to glaze over, but my body is still programmed to smile and nod politely at the seemingly right times. Did he just say this class is a not feel good class, and we will leave feeling crappy? Yessir, I am pleased by this. Just look at the fixed expression plastered on my face. Please, continue with this discussion. I like the way you are going with this. I like the way you would be going if you were to walk right off the edge of a cliff. No, thank you for YOUR time!

Is there college senioritis or just... life senioritis? Not, like, ending life. Just getting on with it. Getting to the good part. When the hell does that happen?



  2. you should post more, because i like reading your stuff. i never comment but i read
